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#GoOpen District Launch Packet Development

U.S. Department of Education

Office of Educational Technology

March 2017

Version 1.3

This document was first published in June 2016 as Version 1.0 and updated in January 2017 as Version 1.2.

Examples are Not Endorsements
This document contains examples and resource materials that are provided for the user’s conve- nience. The inclusion of any material is not intended to reflect its importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered. These materials may contain the views and recommendations of various subject matter experts as well as hypertext links, contact addresses and websites to information created and maintained by other public and pri- vate organizations. The opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information included in these materials.

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This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce this report in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the suggested citation is: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, #GoOpen District Launch Packet, Washington, D.C., 2016.

This Launch Packet is available on the Department’s Website at

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Appendix A. #GoOpen Goal Tracker

Phase 1
Date Goal Who Notes
Review current instructional materials due for renewal in curriculum cycle
Determine appropriate content areas and grade levels that are strong candidates for replacing traditional textbooks and materials
Establish goals for student learning
Conduct a search of existing openly licensed educational resources to determine resources available for curation, adaptation, and reuse.
Assess human resources, financial resources, and schedules to curate and/or create
Decide whether to curate exist- ing openly licensed educational resources and/or create their own, and distribution methods.

Phase 2
Date Goal Who Notes
Identify the key members of the #GoOpen implementation team
Agree upon a common meeting time, schedule, and roles and responsibilities

Phase 3
Date Goal Who Notes
Assess infrastructure and digital readiness as key aspect of strategic plan
Identify a platform for curation and discovery of openly licensed edu- cational resources
Assess accessibility of openly licensed educational resources in school and at home

Phase 4
Date Goal Who Notes
Agree on a quality assurance rubric
Define a review process for openly licensed educational resources

Phase 5
Date Goal Who Notes
Review current professional learning focus areas in district and identify where #GoOpen fits
Collaborate with other districts and organizations to develop and engage in professional learning opportunities

Editable #GoOpen Goal Tracker [Google Sheet]

Appendix B. #GoOpen Resources

Suggested Reading List

Instructional Materials Checklists and Rubrics

#GoOpen Websites

#GoOpen District Strategic Plans for Openly Licensed Educational Resource Implementation

#GoOpen and OER Communication Resources

Appendix C. #GoOpen District Transition Timelines

North Kansas City Public Schools, Kansas City, MO

Time Team Involved Activity
  • Ÿ6th Grade Science Teachers
  • District Instructional Coordinators
  • ŸReviewed curriculum
  • Learned necessary technology
  • Normed process of curating the texts and bookmarking online resources
  • Ÿ6th Grade Science Teachers
  • District Instructional Coordinators
  • ŸŸAcclimated to online resources (CK-12, Diigo)
  • Discussed additional instructional materials to purchase
  • Ÿ6th and 7th Grade Science Teachers
  • ŸŸTrained in interactive Vernier Technology
Twice yearly
  • Ÿ6th Grade Science Teachers
  • District Instructional Coordinators
  • ŸDirector of Secondary Education
  • ŸŸProvided feedback on product and process.
Three times yearly
  • District Instructional Coordinators
  • ŸSubject Area Lead Teachers from each middle school
  • Conversations about CK-12 texts
  • ŸBookmarked in Diigo
  • ŸDiscussed resources to be purchased
  • 6Ÿth and 7th Grade Team Professional Learning Teams (PLTs)
  • Structured lesson plans utilizing the CK-12 texts
  • Searched and bookmarked supplementary instructional text/video
  • Provided edits/feedback on CK-12 texts for future review

*North Kansas City Schools scaled this process to 7th grade science and 6th grade math in the 2015-2016 school year following this same timeline.

Liberty Public Schools, Liberty, MO

Time Team Involved Activity
Six times yearly
  • ŸElementary SS & ELA #GoOpen team
  • ŸVŸerify crosswalk of ELA & SS, verify alignment of ELA & SS, begin study of PBL framework to begin thinking around interdisciplinary instruction
  • ŸDevelopment of learning targets for essential standards
  • Parcel standards and Design/ Develop Project Based Learning experience, Update or create assessments aligned to essential standards
Six times yearly
  • ŸElementary Science #GoOpen Team
  • ŸŸReview crosswalk and essential 10 standards, introduce science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. Study best practices in science instruction based on the standards. Create collaboration documents.
  • Align science and engineering practices—what does instruction look like in science, align standards to S/E practice, create learning targets, Science pacing of essential standards
  • Review feedback from teachers regarding current units—determine how to modify those they use to make better and start from scratch on those that aren’t being used. Develop/revise lesson, units, PBL.
Six times yearly
  • ŸGrades 6-8 Science #GoOpen Team
  • ŸŸŸRevisit Essential Standards, Scope and Sequence, 6th and 7th Crosswalk (review 8th)
  • ŸŸŸŸResource Collection, Unit Specific Work
Six times yearly
  • ŸGrades 6-8 Math #GoOpen Team
  • ŸŸŸCrosswalks/Essential Standards/Review Summer Work/Set work for the year/ Vertical Alignment
  • ŸŸŸUŸnit work for PBL with OER curation completed per unit
Six times yearly
  • HS Biology, HS Earth & Space, HS Zoology #GoOpen Team
  • Design/Develop Project-Based Learning experience, Update or create assessments aligned to essential standards
  • ŸIdentify Crosscutting Concepts and Science & Engineering Practices required for each standard (3-D learning); identify evidence statements/learning targets, essential questions and academic vocabulary
  • ŸReview standards and revise as necessary to reflect new MLS; identify relevant CCC and SEP; develop evidence statements/ learning targets, essential questions and academic vocabulary
Six times yearly
  • HS Chemistry #GoOpen Team
  • Design/Develop Project-Based Learning experience, Update or create assessments aligned to essential standards
  • Identify Crosscutting Concepts and Science & Engineering Practices required for each standard (3-D learning); identify evidence statements/learning targets, essential questions and academic vocabulary
  • Review standards and revise as necessary to reflect new MLS; identify relevant CCC and SEP; develop evidence statements/ learning targets, essential questions and academic vocabulary
Six times yearly
  • HS Physics #GoOpen Team
  • Design/Develop Project-Based Learning experience, Update or create assessments aligned to essential standards
  • Identify Crosscutting Concepts and Science & Engineering Practices required for each standard (3-D learning); identify evidence statements/learning targets, essential questions and academic vocabulary
  • Review standards and revise as necessary to reflect new MLS; identify relevant CCC and SEP; develop evidence statements/ learning targets, essential questions and academic vocabulary
Six times yearly
  • HS American Government #GoOpen Team
  • Design/Develop Project-Based Learning experience, Update or create assessments aligned to essential standards
  • Review standards and revise as necessary to reflect new MLS; identify relevant CCC and SEP; develop evidence statements/ learning targets, essential ques- tions and academic vocabulary

Appendix D. Acknowledgements

Project Team

This plan was developed under the guidance of Joseph South, Katrina Stevens, and Kristina Peters of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology. Within the OET, technical assistance was provided by James Collins, Sara Trettin, and Casandra Woodall.

Valuable support was provided by Layla Bonnot, Bob Boyd, Kristin Brynteson, Heather Callihan, Erin English, Sara Ewing, Tim Farquer, Christine Fox, Peter Leida, Matt Miller, Curtis Mould, Sean Nash, Angelique Nedved, Mark Officer, Susan Sudberry, Jeanette Westfall.

Susan Thomas served as the principal editor for the #GoOpen District Launch Packet.

Graphics were developed by O2 Lab in Washington, D.C.

Cover photo credit Community Consolidated School District 59.

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