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Educator Preparation Programs for Digital Equity and Transformation

The Office of Educational Technology is committed to supporting educational preparation and training that enables educators access to job-embedded, sustained, and collaborative professional development, to support effective use of technology.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) are bringing together higher education associations and Educator Preparation Programs that share a vision for accelerating change in how we prepare future teachers to be successful in new digital learning environments.

We're Commited to Digital Equity and transformation

Signing the pledge signals that an EPP shares this vision to expand and scale digital equity and transformation in learning.

1. Prepare Teachers to thrive in digital learning environments.

We will prepare future teachers to use technology to provide equitable learning opportunities that support student success in all classrooms. This includes experience teaching in online or hybrid settings.

2. Prepare teachers to use technology to pursue ongoing professional learning.

We will prepare future teachers to use technology for collaborative learning and professional growth. This includes participating in online communities of practice relevant to their teaching goals and aspirations.

3. Prepare teachers to apply frameworks to accelerate transformative digital learning.

We will prepare future teachers to create effective digital learning experiences using nationally recognized educational technology standards. This includes aligning coursework and clinical experiences to those frameworks.

4. Equip all faculty to continuously improve expertise in technology for learning.

We will support all EPP faculty in modeling effective use of technology for instruction to build confidence and competence in future educators. This includes building capacity through faculty professional learning.

5. Collaborate with school leaders to identify shared digital teaching competencies.

 We will partner with schools to establish a shared understanding of the teacher competencies required for effective, equitable use of technology for learning. This includes modeling exemplary approaches to technology use that are relevant to the vision, culture, and infrastructure of partner schools.  

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  • Please Include “OET EPP” in the Subject Line